Muc-Off Foam Fresh Review


If like me you spend an inordinate amount of time keeping your bikes looking shiny and fresh, you wash your riding clothes, you even wash your gloves and pads every now and again, but when did you last wash your helmet liners?

Most mountain bikers will ride in all types of weather conditions, from the beaming sun to the rain and sleet. The constant soaking and drying of our gear soon leaves us with kit that hums like a rotting corpse.

I’ll openly admit in all the years I’ve been riding I can’t think of one time where I’ve actually washed the liner in any of my helmets. I’ve just put up with any smells, after all once it’s on your head, and you’re riding, you can’t smell it.

I ride in an Endura MT500 helmet, and as much as I love it I do find that the ventilation isn’t great compared to other helmets I’ve used, and after about 6 months use I noticed the other week it smelt rank. It was that bad that I thought something had died in it. It was time to show the helmet some love and clean it. But what was I supposed to use that would get rid of the ingrained smell and dirt?

Step forward cleaning specialists Muc-Off and their Foam Fresh Cleaner.

Muc-Off bill their cleaner as a highly effective, easy to use foam cleaner which is ideal for helmet liners or any soft material which comes into contact with the rider, such as pads, gloves and shoes. The instant foaming action gently agitates dirt and grime away from the surface and leaves a fresh citric burst fragrance behind. Sounds perfect, but is it any good?

On first impression I would say like all Muc-Off products it seems to work as advertised. On first use on my helmet liner it pretty much erased the rotting corpse smell and left a much nicer smelling fragrance, if some what chemical rather than fresh. Beware though, as I suspect depending on how pungent your kit is, it may take a fair few doses to overpower that rotting corpse smell, especially on musky smelling shoes.

Some riders have mentioned to just use soap and water on helmet liners. But honestly I’m too lazy for that, and frankly it seems a bit of a faff. Plus the fact that a 400ml can of Foam Fresh is £7, and all you need to do is spray it on the liner, I’d rather just stick with the easier option.

I’m yet to try it on any other item of kit but as prevention is better than cure, from here on in a quick squirt of Foam Fresh in my helmet and shoes should keep any potential smell of decay away.


A bit of an expensive luxury item but it’s easy to use. Probably better as a preventive measure than a cure to really pungent kit. Should last a few months depending on use.
